For this first step of your writing project, you have to write a short proposal (about 1 paragraph or a few bullet points) of what you are planning to write about. Your proposal must include the following:
A topic or scenario related to both social media and automation. You can choose whatever interests you. It can be from the book (feel free to look ahead at the outline and links in future chapters), or it can be something not addressed in the book.
You must include at least one source about the thing you are going to write about. This could be a reference to the textbook, or Wikipedia, or an article, or a particular post or screenshot off social media, or a story of something that happened to you or you observed. (Note: you’ll need to find more relevant sources later).
Two ethics frameworks that you will use to analyze the topic/scenario.
You can use the ethics frameworks from the book or ones that we didn’t mention but you want to use.
Include why you are choosing the frameworks (could be as simple as “I already know about Taoism” or “the Aztecs seem cool”) and how you think they will apply to the scenario.
Your Social Media Format what sort of social media content do you want to make?
Include links to at least two examples you want to emulate (e.g., example video essays, Reddit posts, podcasts)
WARNING: Some media formats take a deceptively large amount of work, particularly video with graphics or clips.
Your proposal can be a few paragraph, or a set of bullet points listing the details.
Note: you are not locked into what you choose here if you later decide it isn’t working out. You can change your mind about what you are doing after this.