Looping with Lists and Dictionaries in Social Media

5.4. Looping with Lists and Dictionaries in Social Media#

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We mentioned previously in chapter 4, we can use lists and dictionaries to represent social media data:

Example list of dictionaries of user data

User 1:

  • Username: kylethayer (a String)

  • Twitter handle: @kylemthayer (a String)

  • Profile Picture: (an image)

  • Follows: @SusanNotess, @UW, @UW_iSchool, @ajlunited, … (a list of Strings)

User 2:

  • Username: Dr Susan Notess (a String)

  • Twitter handle: @SusanNotess (a String)

  • Profile Picture: (an image)

  • Follows: @kylemthayer, @histoftech, @j_kalla, @dbroockman, @qaxaawut, @shengokai, @laniwhatison (a list of Strings)

Now, in order for us to work with this kind of data, we need to look more at lists and dictionaries, as well as how to loop over them.