24.4. Course Schedule#
24.4.1. Homework placements#
The Programming Assignments are dependent on prior chapter material as follows:
A1: Make 7 Bluesky Posts depends on Chapter 3 Bots
A2: Try another site is basically a repeat of A1
depends on Chapter 7 Trolling03_course_work/03_assignments/a4-political-bias.ipynb
depends on Ch 8 Data Mining03_course_work/03_assignments/a5-best-comments.ipynb
depends on Ch 14 Content Moderation
Note: We haven’t yet placed the project or writing assignments on the schedules below. You will have to look at those and back track how many weeks early you want students to start those
24.4.2. Combining Chapters#
Depending on your specific schedule, you may need to double up some chapters in lectures. Some good candidate topics for doubling up are:
Ch 1 Intro / Ch 2 Definitions
Ch 6 Authenticity / Ch 7 Trolling
Ch 14 Content Moderation / Ch 15 Content Moderators
Ch 19 Capitalism / Ch 20 Colonialism
24.4.3. Necessary and Skippable Programming Demos#
Some of the programming demos are necessary for understanding future content programming demos and assignments, and some are not. Here is the current status of this:
Ch 1: No demo
Ch 2: Necessary (define programming, comments)
Ch 3: Necessary (program organization, specifically statements, variables, and sleep)
Ch 4: Necessary (data types)
Ch 5: Necessary (loops, lists, dictionaries)
Ch 6: Skippable (get author info)
Ch 7: Necessary (conditionals, string manipulation)
Ch 8: Necessary (sentiment analysis, loop variables)
Ch 9: Necessary (writing functions)
Ch 10: Skippable (alt-text)
Ch 11: Necessary (dictionary counters)
Ch 12: No demo (yet)
Ch 13: Skippable (only positive news)
Ch 14: Necessary (Display comment/reply tree recursively)
Ch 15: No demo
Ch 16: No demo (yet)
Ch 17: No demo (yet)
Ch 18: No demo (yet)
Ch 19: No demo
Ch 20: No demo
Ch 21: No demo
24.4.4. Quarter System Schedule#
This schedule assumes a quarter system with:
~10 weeks of class
~5 hours of class per week
~20 2-hour lectures
~10 1-hour labs
Total of ~50 hours of class time
Week 1 (Ch 1 & 2)
Lecture: Intro
Syllabus and Demo bot
Lab: Creating bot account
Lecture: Definitions
Due Ch 1&2 Reading
Activity: Ethics Table
Demo: Ch 1 Bot demo
Week 2 (Ch 3 & 4)
Lecture: Bots
Due Ch 3 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 3
Start A1: Make 7 Bluesky Posts
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 2 & 3
Lecture: Data
Due Ch 4 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 5
Week 3: (Ch 5 & 6)
Lecture: History of Social Media
Due Ch 5 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 5
Start A2: Try another site
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 4 & 5
Lecture: Authenticity
Due Ch 6 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 6
Week 4 (Ch 7 & 8)
Lecture: Trolling
Due Ch 7 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 7
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 6 & 7
Lecture: Data Mining
Due Ch 8 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 8
Week 5 (Ch 9 & 10)
Lecture: Privacy and Security
Due Ch 9 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 9
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 8 & 9
Lecture: Accessibility
Due Ch 10 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 10
Week 6 (Ch 11 & 12)
Lecture: Virality
Due Ch 11 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 11
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 10 & 11
Lecture: Recommendations
Due Ch 12 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 12
Week 7 (Ch 13 & 14/15)
Lecture: Mental Health
Due Ch 13 Reading
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 12 & 13
Lecture: Content Moderation / Moderators
Due Ch 14/15 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 14 & 15
Week 8 (Ch 16 & 17)
Lecture: Crowd Work
Due Ch 16 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 16
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 14 - 16
Lecture: Harassment
Due Ch 17 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 17
Week 9 (Ch 18 & 19/20)
Lecture: Public Criticism and Public Shaming
Due Ch 18 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 18
Lab: Programming Practice Ch 17 & 18
Lecture: Capitalism / Colonialism
Due Ch 19/20 Reading
Activity/Demo from Ch 19 & 20
Week 10 (Ch 21 & project fair)
Lecture: Conclusions
Due Ch 21 Reading
Activity: Student reflections on course
Lab: Work on Final Project
Lecture: Project Fair
Due: Final group project
Due: Final writing project
24.4.5. Semester System Schedule#
This schedule assumes a semester system with:
~16 weeks of class
~3 hours of class per week
~48 1-hour lectures
Total of ~48 hours of class time
16 weeks: 21 chapters - 1.3 chapters per week
48 lectures - .43 chapters per lecture
Week 1: Intro and Definitions (Chapters 1 & 2)
Lecture: Intro / Social Media
Define Social media
Demo Bot
Lecture: Ethics
Due Ch 1 - 2.2 Reading
Activity: Ethics chart
Start students on creating bot account
Lecture: Automation
Due Finish Ch 2 Reading
Demo Bot in detail
Week 2: Bots (Chapter 3)
Due Ch 3 Reading
Ch 3 Programming demo and practice
Start A1: Make 7 Bluesky Posts
Ch 3 Design/Reflection activity
Week 3: Data (Chapter 4)
Due Ch 4 Reading
Ch 4 Programming demo and practice
Start A2: Try another site
Ch 4 Design/Reflection activity
Week 4: History of Social Media (Chapter 5)
Due Ch 5 Reading
Ch 5 Programming demo and practice
Ch 5 Design/Reflection activity
Week 5: Authenticity and Trolling (Chapters 6 & 7)
Due Ch 6 & 7 Reading
Ch 6 & 7 Programming demo and practice
Ch 6 & 7 Design/Reflection activity
Week 6: Data Mining (Chapter 8)
Due Ch 8 Reading
Ch 8 Programming demo and practice
Ch 8 Design/Reflection activity
Week 7: Privacy and Security (Chapter 9)
Due Ch 9 Reading
Ch 9 Programming demo and practice
Ch 9 Design/Reflection activity
Week 8: Accessibility (Chapter 10)
Due Ch 10 Reading
Ch 10 Programming demo and practice
Ch 10 Design/Reflection activity
Week 9: Recommendation Algorithms (Chapter 11)
Due Ch 11 Reading
Ch 11 Programming demo and practice
Ch 11 Design/Reflection activity
Week 10: Virality (Chapter 12)
Due Ch 12 Reading
Ch 12 Programming demo and practice
Ch 12 Design/Reflection activity
Week 11: Mental Health (Chapter 13)
Due Ch 13 Reading
Ch 13 Programming demo and practice
Ch 13 Design/Reflection activity
Week 12: Content Moderation and Moderators (Chapters 14 & 15)
Due Ch 14 & 15 Reading
Ch 14 & 15 Programming demo and practice
Ch 14 & 15 Design/Reflection activity
Week 13: Crowdsourcing (Chapter 16)
Due Ch 16 Reading
Ch 16 Programming demo and practice
Ch 16 Design/Reflection activity
Week 14: Harassment (Chapter 17)
Due Ch 17 Reading
Ch 17 Programming demo and practice
Ch 17 Design/Reflection activity
Week 15: Public Criticism and Public Shaming (Chapter 18)
Due Ch 18 Reading
Ch 18 Programming demo and practice
Ch 18 Design/Reflection activity
Week 16: Capitalism, Colonialism, Conclusions, and project fair (Chapters 19, 20, & 21)
Lecture: Capitalism / Colonialism
Due Ch 19 & 20 Reading
Ch 19 & 20 Design/Reflection activity
Lecture: Conclusions
Due Ch 21 Reading
Activity: Student reflections on course
Lecture: Project Fair
Due: Final group project
Due: Final writing project