6.2.2. Demo & Practice: Author Info#
Choose Social Media Platform: Reddit | Discord | Bluesky | No Coding
Though Discord probably collects the device/program sources of posts (like we saw from former President Trump), it unfortunately doesn’t let us see them.
Instead we will look at other information about the author of posts on Discord that can perhaps tell us something about their authenticity.
Log into Discord#
These are our normal steps get discord loaded and logged in
# Load some code called "discord" that will help us work with Discord
import discord
# Load another library that helps the bot work in Jupyter Noteboook
import nest_asyncio
(optional) make a fake Discord connection with the fake_discord library
For testing purposes, we’ve added this line of code, which loads a fake version of Discord, so it wont actually connect to Discord. If you want to try to actually connect to Discord, don’t run this line of code.
# (optional)
%run ../../fake_apis/fake_discord.ipynb
Load a set of Discord posts#
The code below finds a set of posts from a discord channel. Try loading from real channels with your bot by doing the following:
put in your special Discord token
skip the fake_discord step above
put in a different channel id (that your bot has access to
# Set up your Discord connection
# TODO: put the discord token for your bot below
discord_token = "m#5@_fake_discord_token_$%Ds"
client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.default())
# TODO: put the discord channel id number below for the channel you want to use
channel_id = 123456789
# Provide instructions for what your discord bot should do once it has logged in
async def on_ready():
global recent_posts # Save the recent_posts variable outside our running bot
# Load the discord channel you want to post to
channel = client.get_channel(channel_id)
# Get the latest post in the channel history
post_history = channel.history(limit=10)
#special code to turn the post_history from discord into a python list
recent_posts = [post async for post in post_history]
# Tell your bot to stop running
await client.close()
# Now that we've defined how the bot should work, start running your bot
Display author information for posts#
The code below loads posts from discord, and then does a loop though all the posts, printing out the information about the authors of the submissions, such as:
The creation date for the account
the author’s avatar
if the author is labeled as a bot
other “public flags” about the other (e.g., if it’s been labelled as a “spammer”)
for post in recent_posts:
print("Info for post with content: " + str(post.content))
print(" author display name: " + str(post.author.display_name))
print(" author id: " + str(post.author.id))
print(" author created: " + str(post.author.created_at))
print(" author avatar: " + str(post.author.avatar))
print(" author is a bot?: " + str(post.author.bot))
print(" author public flags: " + str(dict(iter(post.author.public_flags))))
Info for post with content: Breaking news: A lovely cat took a nice long nap today!
author display name: fake_user
author id: 4564563
author created: 2023-07-25 01:23:04
author avatar: fake_image.jpg
author is a bot?: False
author public flags: {'verified_bot': False, 'spammer': False}
Info for post with content: Breaking news: Someone said a really mean thing on the internet today!
author display name: pretend_user
author id: 986545
author created: 2023-09-25 01:23:04
author avatar: pretent_image.jpg
author is a bot?: True
author public flags: {'verified_bot': True, 'spammer': False}
Info for post with content: Breaking news: Some grandparents made some yummy cookies for all the kids to share!
author display name: imaginary_user
author id: 2358658
author created: 2023-10-25 01:23:04
author avatar: imaginary_image.jpg
author is a bot?: False
author public flags: {'verified_bot': False, 'spammer': True}
Info for post with content: Breaking news: All the horrors of the universe revealed at last!
author display name: not_real_user
author id: 73458345
author created: 2023-12-25 01:23:04
author avatar: not_real_image.jpg
author is a bot?: False
author public flags: {'verified_bot': False, 'spammer': False}