Anatomy of a Social Media Post

4.1. Anatomy of a Social Media Post#

In order to understand how data is represented on a computer (following up on Chapter 2.3.3: Computers Speak Binary), we will look at all the data in an example social media post, in this case a tweet from the site formerly known as Twitter [d1]:

Screenshot of tweet from user WeRateDogs® (@dog_rates). Tweet text is "This is Woods. He’s here to help with the dishes. Specifically the pre-rinse, where he licks every item he can. 12/10". The tweet also has three photos of a tiny cute puppy standing on the open door of a dishwasher. The tweet was posted on Feb 10, 2020. The account that posted it has a blue check. The tweet has 1,533 quote tweets, 26.6K retweets, and 197.8K likes.

Fig. 4.1 A tweet with photos of a cute puppy! (source)#